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HAMLET reading with Peter Gould

Join Peter Gould, founder of Get Thee to the Funnery Shakespeare youth camp, in a live reading of this summer’s script of HAMLET.

Here is what Peter says about this event:

“Each summer I take a great Shakespeare play, and cut it enough to make a two-hour (or so)

performance for our troupe. That’s harder with Hamlet, which is naturally FOUR HOURS LONG!

But we'll do it. The script is ready for this summer. We’ll read it, discuss some of the finer

points, make new discoveries, learn how to use our breath and focus, and take one stellar

monologue and learn from it how to apply our unique Funnery VECTOR TRAINING to our

reading style. Anyone from 12 to 102 with an interest in Shakespeare is invited. We’ll all have a

chance to read if we want to, and we’ll get to the end---a hard thing to do when there is so

much awesome stuff to talk about!!”

Made possible with support from the Vermont Humanities Council

July 9

Water Ecology Exploration with Farley Brown

July 14

Family music potluck